BB's news
Dear Weavers
The old Cottolin range from BB Yarns shop is coming to an end. It is sad in a way, as this kind of Cottolin has been with me for a long time. But it is more exciting to know, that there is the absolutely beautiful and environmentally friendly yarn taking the place of the old Cottolin, the
Organic Cottoline range.
Before we start drooling for the new yarn, the old Cottolin has to go and make place for the new. Out with the old and in with the new. I have now set a deadline. After the 9. 2. 2020 the old Cottolin will be gone and never to be seen again on BB Yarns website.But until then you can get a bobbin of 250g for just $22.50. A bargain!
There are still a lot of beautiful colours left. We still have
Caramel col.#136
Forget me not col.#167
Purple col.#130
Couch col.#251
Orange col.#287
Grape col.#168
Teal col.#295
Shamrock col.#327
Looking at these colours, it makes me think of what would I do with them? I would probably go for guest towels or any other hand towels. Towels in Cottolin are very easy to make and they have the right absorbing quality with the cotton and linen fibre in them. Towels in any shape or form are always a great present to bring along for any occasion. Everybody uses towels in their homes.
My guest towels normally have a size of 40 x 80cm, hem included and I weave it with 20epi (8epcm) warp and weft in plain weave. You could use the different colours and make various stripes through warp and weft. With 4 bobbins (250g) of Cottolin 20% off colours you could make nearly 8 towels, depending of size of course. This would include warp and weft. The colours from the warp will then also be used in the weft.
Thinking of towels I took the Cottolin 20% off bobbins which are left, out of the cupboard and played with them a bit. I was immediately amazed what options there are. I couldn't stop finding more colour combinations and it made me feel like getting to the board and start warping them up.... But hang on... They are not meant for me, they are for you! So please feel inspired by the combinations and I would love to see weavers take the opportunity and weave something beautiful.
1. Option: Shamrock, Teal, Grape and Forget me not
2. Option: Orange, Shamrock, Teal, Grape and Forget me not
Sometimes a little bit from the complimentary colour can cheer the colours right up
3. Option: Orange, Watermelon, Couch, Purple and Forget me not
4. Option: Orange, Couch, Purple and Forget me not
This colour combination is option 3 just made a little simpler
5. Option: Caramel, Shamrock, Teal and Grape
My favorite would be option 1, but hang on... option 5 looks really nice too. I also like option 3. Ahh the choice of colours!
The colours don't have to be in this order, they can be in any way you like.
If you are interested in weaving with those colour combinations, please order as soon as possible. There are not too many of each colour left. Go to
Cottolin 20% off or click on one of the pictures above.
I would also like to offer to any weaver who is taking on this challenge to send me some pictures of their work made with the Cottolin 20% off. The pictures will then be posted on this blog with your name on it and promoted on the website and Facebook. The weaver who sends in the pictures will also be rewarded with a surprise gift from BB Yarn Supply.
Ready to go? Send the pictures to sales@bbyarn.com
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Happy weaving everyone
Love Ursula